Microsoft Dev Stream Recap: SU15, G3X Touch, and More

In their most recent developer livestream hosted on Wednesday, Microsoft and Asobo showed off more features for the upcoming Sim Update 15, an overhaul to the default G3X by Working Title, a few more bits on the highly anticipated MSFS 2024, and much more!

Sim Update 15

Starting off with Sim Update 15, the newest update to the simulator is slated to land on March 12th, with a public beta starting soon. The main focus for this update is improving performance, and especially with memory usage improvements. Working with Working Title Simulations, Microsoft and Asobo have been able to squeeze more performance out of the glass cockpits by reworking the CoherentGT thread, which is the process that renders glass cockpits, and is a common pitfall when it comes to performance with complex glass cockpit aircraft.

As for memory allocation, the Asobo team was able to backport the technology from the upcoming Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, and the most benefit will come to those low in RAM, or have a stutter-filled experience. A new system for handling AI and ATC interaction with airports will also be coming in the update as well, and fixes to the many bugs and quirks that the system has gotten a reputation for. In addition, many highly requested fixes that concern snow coverage, with the sim incorrectly freezing over lakes being one of the many fixes.

The current implementation of snow coverage, incorrectly freezing over these bodies of water
A screenshot of the new snow coverage system, which now won't as enthusiastically cover bodies of water

Also, Jorg Neumann, Head of Microsoft Flight Simulator has confirmed that Microsoft Flight Simulator will be expanding support for Xbox Cloud Gaming in SU15, adding support for mobile devices and touchscreens. Finally, dual-rotor support has been added, allowing developers to finally be able to correct popular helicopters such as the Chinook, and the V22 Osprey.

Garmin G3X Touch

Another thing revealed during this month’s dev livestream was the reworked Garmin G3X Touch built by Working Title Simulations. It will feature all the goodies we can expect from a Working Title rework, including a faithful recreation of the styling, layout, and symbology of the real G3X unit, as well as having a functioning EIS page, and specific configurations for different aircraft types. When it releases, the new G3X Touch will come installed in the default XCub, NXCub, and VL-3.

iniBuilds A320neo

Moving on to the iniBuilds A320neo, which is currently still in the development phase, after coming under stability issues during the Sim Update 14 Beta, as well as speculation that it violated the GPL. Jorg Neumann addressed the question of the release date saying, “I’m not 100% sure it’s going to make SU15…it’s tight…[it] won’t be in the first beta for sure.”


There was a lot in this month’s dev stream, so here are some of the other points that didn’t make it into the larger categories:

  • MSFS 2024 will not release during or before March of this year
  • There will be a Sim Update 16, despite concerns
  • Work is continuing on slow download speeds for updates
  • A World Update covering Brazil is in development, awaiting on photogrammetry
  • World Hub testing has begun with a small team
  • Dune DLC is planned to release in March, alongside the movie Dune

You can watch the whole one and a half hour stream on their Twitch channel.

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