FSExpo 2024 Attendee Registration Opens on December 17

FSA has recently announced that attendee registrations for FSExpo 2024 will be opening on December 17, and the first 200 FSA members to register for the show can get a 3-day event access for only $50, saving more than $30. 

The in-person registration includes:

  • Access to the show.
  • All seminars.
  • A free drink at the Welcome Reception on Friday evening.
  • Post-event seminar recordings. 

Non-member pricing for Friday-Sunday begins at $80, with Weekend and online options also available.

The conference’s co-founder Evan Reiter urges FSA members to register ASAP, as they anticipate the $50 member registration will sell out within a day or two. “For those who can, we encourage you to plan travel now. Our discounted room rate at the Tropicana is more than 60% sold out, and prices may increase when the block fills”, he added.

Attendees can also book hotel rooms and access airfare and car deals now. To be notified when the registration opens, visit this page

The pre-registration for sponsors and exhibitors is now open. If you are a prospective sponsor and exhibitor, refer to this page

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